Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My new/regular Dr.

I am so happy with my new doctor. He spent an entire hour with me today, answering questions and just informing me of what is coming. I was a little surprised that more of my information from the other doctor wasn't forwarded. I passed along many pertinent things by chance. I am chatty once you get me going. ;)
So, all is still normal. Today measured 12 weeks 3 days, I'm becoming one of those people I laugh at. The ultrasound equipment wasn't as high-tech as my last doctor, so no new pictures to share. We have discussed getting 4D images but we'll have to wait and see, they're a little freaky.
I go back in a month. Also, no gender finding until week 18!! 6 more weeks!!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

10 weeks

Here it is!! The head is facing down and toward us, the mouth is slightly highlighted white. 2 arms and legs. It was wiggling! Wow!!
The Dr. said normal all the way. We saw the spine too. Amazing!!
Lots of love. Thanks for all the support!

Now to my regular doctor in 2 weeks.

Ok, 2 more pictures to share. These are 3D, amazing technology. The first shows a little arm bud up around the ear. The second 3D picture is the little legs buds and the umbilical cord coming up between them.

I guess I really believe now!