Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 3

No early morning medicine today. I had blood drawn first thing this morning and had to wait until 1 to get the results. They are super fast!! My nurse is awesome and added encouraging words in her email. So, my estrogen level is 173. That is very good. I will keep the same medicine but we will switch to evening shots.
I had a really good day, lots of energy but I think the medicine is starting to work because I could feel ovary twinges. The goal is both ovaries stimulated with lots of mature eggs.
I go back Monday for another blood check and a sonogram.
6 pm, 225iu Gonal-F, no pain no blood. Hopefully another great nights rest!

1 comment:

  1. I finally figured out this thing so I got to read everything. I'm glad you don't mind the shots and thanks Cody for painless and bloodless shots. lol. Love, Grandma
