Thursday, February 16, 2012

Egg transfer

Egg transfer Friday at 1pm. Another shower without shampoo or soap. Oh, and a way too full bladder for the transfer are highlights of my day tomorrow.
I felt pretty terrific today, yesterday I felt like a bus had hit me. Must be the hormones.
I will update here tomorrow after we get back and know all the juicy details. Fingers crossed we have some excellent embryos!!!

We still have all 8 embryos and they are all blastocysts. We transferred 2, one was the best quality they had seen thus far in the cycle of any patient. Both blasts were great! The embryologist will check them tomorrow to see if any are able to be frozen.

I will now rest and go for my first blood test Monday the 27th. :9) It has been a great day!

So looking at the photo of our transferred embryos you can see they are both hatching. There is a small bubble of fluid escaping out of each of them. There are 2 sets of cell clusters the larger mass will become a fetus and the other the placenta. ( I think) Now they need to implant and grow. We were told they should implant within the next 36-48 hours. Wow!!

1 comment:

  1. Just got back from Aprils and her computer was not working so I just got caught up on your journey. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow and I'm sure it will be fine. Love you and looking forward to next stop. Glad your mom is going to be there for you. Grandma
